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junk heap是什么意思

发布时间:2021-01-26 作者: 英语查

junk heap 是什么意思


junk:    n. 毒品〔尤指海洛因〕。
heap:    n. 1.(一)堆,堆积。 2.〔口语〕许多,大量。 3 ...
an accumulation of refuse and discarded matter
同义词:garbage heap, rubbish heap, scrapheap, trash heap, junk pile, trash pile, refuse heap,


1.He found a toy electric motor in a junk heap

2.Children sleeping in old abandoned car bodies on junk heaps

3.What a junk heap

4.Non - x86 linux serves the same function that x86 linux does when it comes to rescuing old servers from the junk heap
当非x86从垃圾堆中拯救那些老服务器的时候,它承担着与x86 linux同样的功能。

5.2 . gun fight buckets , junk heap right bands , clown hat , ma tau , the left goes , the cloth upper left door , enter the name of the game
2 .用枪打水桶,右边堆杂物的横条,小丑的帽,马头,左边的云,左上的布门,枪左边的石头,左边的窗。

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